The Role of Frying Temperatures in Food Safety

The Role of Frying Temperatures in Food Safety

The primary food safety issues are summarized below. Frying temperatures are a cause or result of all health and safety issues. Oil temperatures are basic for cost effective oil management.

The new dilemma

The popular “wisdom” is you must cook 350°F or higher in order to kill all the bacteria. However cooking at these temperatures accelerate formation of toxic breakdown substances.

Oil chemists agree that for every 10° you raise oil temperatures, you double the breakdown reactions that occur in your oil. So, the higher the temperature, the more toxic oil breakdown substances (Item 2) are produced and accumulated in your oil. Your oil more quickly reaches the point where it needs to be replaced.

Reducing trans fats starts with the oil supplier. Oils with no trans fat oils are produced without hydrogenation. They are extremely temperature sensitive so the usual frying temperatures will fail.

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The solution – Oil management for Optimum Frying

In order to solve a problem you must first correctly define the problem. The search for longer life of oil is counter productive. It is accompanied by diminished oil and food quality.

MirOil’s antioxidant products as part of simple oil management for Optimum Frying is a proven solution to achieve:

  • Enhanced and consistent food quality
  • Cooking more quickly at lower temperatures
  • Reduced consumption of oil
  • Avoiding carbon and gum deposits on fryer surfaces

Mandating oil management rules is a must to assure food safety. MirOil proposes assistance in training and monitoring system implementation at the regional, district and store level to ensure that every kitchen will be able to cook safely and efficiently with amazing consistency and lower costs.